
PROMPT: Write the easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions for How to Find your Courage. 6 minutes

As always, you’re encouraged to post your unedited response(s) to the prompt in the comments section of this post. By doing so, you stand up for this important, but oft-neglected, wild and wooly part of the creative process.

2 responses to “Courage

  1. 1. Remove head from arse where it sometimes lodges accidentally or on purpose. You may hear a pop.
    2. Pretend that you know yourself to be a goddess. Pretend hard enough that it all seems real.
    3. Cry, retch great awnings into the toilet. Leave stains even though nothing appeared to come out of you.
    4. Wipe your mouth and eat toast immediately
    5. Walk towards that thing that scares you very much
    6. Ask that question you want the answer to but are afraid to ask
    7. Hear the answer as clear as a bell
    8. Ponder seriously whether there are things such as hell-beings.
    9. Drop dead
    10. Rise from the dead.
    11. Repeat.

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