Category Archives: Lists


Happy Friday the Thirteenth Slash Valentine’s Day Eve…

Prompt: Love List

  1. Make a list of anyone you dated, romanced or attempted a relationship with.
  2. Choose 5 or 10 from the list by putting checkmarks next to  their names.
  3. Write what you learned from each of those people. What did they or the experience of being with them teach you about life, yourself or love?

Look into the hidden corners of your characters by asking them about their past romances and most formative love relationships.



Step One: Make a list –  Things I Gave Away. I’m thinking of material things – my favorite sweater to a girl I wanted to be friends with, a jar of pennies to my nephew, a bag of pants that no longer fit to the Goodwill – but feel free to include the intangibles, should they assert themselves. Don’t plan. Don’t be clever. Just keep your pen moving. Go for quantity, not quality. (4 minutes or more.)

Step Two: Is there anything on the list that you feel nostalgic toward, that you wish you’d kept, that you are relieved to be free of? Choose something from the list and write about it. Don’t try to write “a piece.” Just get curious and see where it takes you. (6 minutes or more)

Peek into the hidden corners of your characters by having them do this prompt.


PROMPT: Make a list –  Things that Need to Be InventedDon’t plan. Don’t be clever. Just stay curious and keep your pen moving. Go for quantity, not quality. 6 minutes or more.

Peek into the hidden corners of your characters by having them do this prompt.



PROMPT: Make a 2-column list –  Sounds that make me ragey/Sounds that lower my blood pressureDon’t plan. Don’t think. Just stay curious and keep your pen moving. Go for quantity, not quality. 6 minutes or more.

Peek into the hidden corners of your characters by having them do this prompt.



PROMPT: Make a list – Things I haven’t found the courage to give up. Don’t plan. Don’t think. Just stay curious and keep your pen moving. Go for quantity, not quality. 6 minutes or more.

Peek into the hidden corners of your characters by having them do this prompt.

As always, you’re encouraged to post your unedited response(s) to the prompt in the comments section of this post. By doing so, you stand up for this important, but oft-neglected, wild and wooly part of the creative process.


PROMPT: Make a list of Holy Moments that you have been present for, heard about second hand or dreamed about. Don’t plan. Don’t think. Just stay curious and keep your pen moving. Go for quantity, not quality. 6 minutes or more.

Peek into the hidden corners of your characters by having them do this prompt.

As always, you’re encouraged to post your unedited response(s) to the prompt in the comments section of this post. By doing so, you stand up for this important, but oft-neglected, wild and wooly part of the creative process.


PROMPT: Time for a list: Justifiable Sins. Don’t plan. Don’t think. Just stay curious and keep your pen moving. Go for quantity, not quality. 6 minutes or more.

Peek into the hidden corners of your characters by having them do this prompt.

As always, you’re encouraged to post your unedited response(s) to the prompt in the comments section of this post. By doing so, you stand up for this important, but oft-neglected, wild and wooly part of the creative process.

Mother’s Day Tribute

Here’s a re-post of my yearly Mother’s Day Tribute mining tools. Don’t hesitate to post your results.

As always, stay loose, don’t wait for the perfect words, but keep your pen moving, let it get messy and allow the words to surprise you.

PROMPT #1: Everything I know about mothers. 5 minutes

PROMPT #2: The Blooper Reel – My Mom’s all Time Hilarious Moments. 5 minutes

PROMPT #3: Finish the sentence, “Before me…” or “Before you were a mom…” as many different ways as you can. 5 minutes

PROMPT #4: Always fun – write the piece entitled: “My Mom could Take your Mom in a Fair Fight” 5 minutes

PROMPT #5: Finish the sentence, “I think I inherited your…” 5 minutes

PROMPT #6: List: Things I learned from my Mother. 5 minutes

PROMPT #7: Finish the sentence, “In ten years, you and I…” as many different ways as you can. 5 minutes


PROMPT: Time for a list: Things I Learned the Hard Way. Don’t plan. Don’t think. Just stay curious and keep your pen moving. Go for quantity, not quality. 6 minutes or more.

Peek into the hidden corners of your characters by having them do this prompt.

As always, you’re encouraged to post your unedited response(s) to the prompt in the comments section of this post. By doing so, you stand up for this important, but oft-neglected, wild and wooly part of the creative process.


PROMPT: Time for a list: Things we Don’t Talk about. Don’t plan. Don’t think. Just stay curious and keep your pen moving. Go for quantity, not quality. 6 minutes or more.

Peek into the hidden corners of your characters by having them do this prompt.

As always, you’re encouraged to post your unedited response(s) to the prompt in the comments section of this post. By doing so, you stand up for this important, but oft-neglected, wild and wooly part of the creative process.