
PROMPT: Launch from the sentence-starter, “I was misinformed…,” and keep your pen moving for 6 minutes.

Peek into the hidden corners of your characters by having them do this prompt.

As always, you’re encouraged to post your unedited response(s) to the prompt in the comments section of this post. By doing so, you stand up for this important, but oft-neglected, wild and wooly part of the creative process.

3 responses to “Misinformed

  1. Reblogged this on A Writing Life and commented:
    Another viable writing prompt option!

  2. Deb,

    When’s your next live class?


    • Hi Jodi, I’m taking the year off teaching to write my book – almost finished! – but, just between you and me, if you get 10 people together in a space, I’ll come teach them. Because, I like you. – deb

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